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How can a treating medical source help approve SSDI?

On Behalf of | Apr 1, 2024 | Social Security Disability |

In the event of a disabling injury or condition, Social Security Disability Insurance may be an option if earning a living proves difficult or impossible. To make a strong case for disability benefits, you should know what medical source might have the most credibility with Social Security.

According to the Social Security website, evidence provided by the doctor or other provider who treats you may help you gain approval.

The definition of a treating source

As defined by Social Security, a treating source describes a medical provider who is currently treating or evaluating you or has done so at some point in the past. This source also presently or has already had some kind of continual treatment relationship with you.

This treating provider must also meet the criteria of being an acceptable medical source. Such sources include a variety of practitioners. They do not have to be just licensed medical or osteopathic doctors. Acceptable sources can also be psychologists, optometrists, podiatrists, speech-language pathologists and licensed advanced practice registered nurses.

The importance of a treating source

Social Security views treating sources as authoritative because they are the most likely to give the agency a descriptive report on your condition. Also, your treating doctor or specialist reduces the need for Social Security to seek clarification on an issue regarding your situation. Your treating source may offer a perspective that helps Social Security understand how your condition impairs your ability to work.

While medical findings and examinations or even brief stays at a hospital can support your case, they might not be enough to secure SSDI approval. A trusted treating doctor or other specialist helping you could help Social Security decide in your favor.