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5 steps to take after a workers’ compensation denial

On Behalf of | Nov 23, 2023 | Workers' Compensation |

Suffering a workplace injury is a challenging experience, and the denial of workers’ compensation can compound the difficulties.

If you find yourself in such a situation, it is important to know that there are steps you can take to address the denial and ensure you receive the support you deserve.

1. Gather all relevant information

Start by collecting all relevant information about your injury, including medical records, incident reports and any communication with your employer. Having a comprehensive record of the incident will strengthen your case when challenging the denial.

2. Understand the denial reasons

Thoroughly examine the reasons given for denying your claim. It is necessary to understand why they rejected your claim to address the specific issues that caused the denial. Search for any missing documentation or areas that require clarification.

3. Request a reconsideration

If you think the denial results from a misunderstanding or incomplete information, formally ask the workers’ compensation board for reconsideration. Clearly outline the facts and submit any additional documentation that might support your case.

4. Seek medical opinions

Obtain opinions from medical professionals regarding the severity and impact of your injury. A second or third medical opinion can strengthen your case and provide additional evidence to counter any doubts raised during the initial review.

5. Keep detailed records

Maintain a detailed record of all correspondence related to your case. This includes emails, letters and notes from phone conversations. Having a clear timeline of events can be beneficial if you need to appeal the denial or provide evidence during the reconsideration process.

In 2022, 2.8 million workplace illnesses and injuries occurred. For many of those injured, it meant significant medical expenses and time for work. Even if a person gets denied workers’ compensation, there are options to pursue compensation.