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5 pieces of evidence that can assist a slip and fall case

On Behalf of | Sep 29, 2023 | Slip & Fall |

When an unfortunate slip and fall injury occurs on someone else’s property, it may lead to a premises liability case.

These cases revolve around the responsibility of property owners to ensure the safety of their premises for visitors. In such situations, solid evidence plays a role in determining liability and compensation.

1. Photographs and videos

Visual documentation is often one of the most persuasive forms of evidence, especially in slip-and-fall cases. Photos and videos can vividly depict the conditions of the property at the time of the incident. Document not only the scene but also your injuries.

2. Witness statements

Witnesses who saw the accident unfold can provide testimony to support your case. Collect statements from these individuals as soon as possible while their recollections are fresh. Witness statements can corroborate your version of events and add credibility to your claim.

3. Maintenance and inspection records

Property owners have a duty to maintain their premises in a safe condition, especially when it comes to preventing slip and fall accidents. Maintenance and inspection records can demonstrate whether the property owner fulfilled this obligation and any neglected issues.

4. Medical records

Medical records document the nature and extent of your injuries, the treatment you received, and the associated medical costs. Medical records can provide a clear link between the incident and your injuries, strengthening your claim for compensation.

5. Building codes and regulations

Local building codes and regulations set standards for property maintenance and safety. If the property owner violated any of these codes, it can be strong evidence of negligence. Obtain copies of relevant codes and regulations to support your case.

In 2020, 6.8 million people visited emergency rooms for fall-related injuries, many of which have long-term consequences. Gathering evidence increases the chances of a better premises liability case settlement.